There’s a 90% chance you won’t remember this post


In a couple of days, you’re almost guaranteed to forget you read this post. We don’t take it personal – it’s just what the data shows. Of course, if we say the right thing we might end up being among the 10% of the information you remember 48 hours after you first heard it.

See what we just did there? 😉

Being memorable is important for marketing and communications on a good day, but the pandemic has made it critical to success.

Players in the travel industry are working hard to be memorable. While the industry as a whole has been a bit slow to adopt video marketing, some companies are relying on interactivity as the key differentiator. Instead of simply watching videos that showcase beautiful destination footage, guided live video tours are being used to provide access and create engaging experiences.

As tour company owner Stephen Oddo says, it’s “more like attending a seminar at a university where you hear someone speak and at the end there’s a Q&A.”

Does it work?

Well, the remote Faroe Islands gamified live virtual tours and attracted 700,000 virtual visitors from nearly 200 countries.

The same tactic could be borrowed by many industries where interaction and location-based access would provide a memorable experience.

For B2B marketing that is often forgettable, what can be done? A few things to consider, according to Leslie Talbot, SVP of Strategic Programs for Corporate Visions:

  • You need situationally specific messages for different buyers
  • You need content assets that get your audience to focus on the most important messaging
  • You need compelling visuals that persuade people to act
  • You need stories that are intentionally designed to drive memory, decision and action

As we emerge out of this pandemic, those who find ways to stay top-of-mind and be memorable with their target audience are going to have a distinct advantage. The 90% who don’t will be forgotten.

Content Worth Your Time

Saving marketers from the wrath of Reddit

While Reddit can be leveraged by brands, caution to any marketer who thinks they can just waltz in and hawk wares — it will almost certainly backfire without a deep understanding of the unique community and its tolerances for marketing.

“If Redditors don’t like a brand’s involvement, they’re not going to engage – or, worse, they may trash it,” writes Drum editor, Kenneth Hein. But when it works, a brand has access to 430 million monthly visitors who make up 130,000 communities.

To help, the Drum and Reddit’s “marketing sciences team” take a twice monthly look at what’s trending – and what it means for brands.

Read more about that here (requires registration, but it’s free to read).

This content originally appeared in our weekly newsletter called TARGET:AUDIENCE where we explore ways to find, understand, grow, engage and inspire digital audiences — so you don’t have to. Want this in your inbox? Signup below
